Involving your children in baking and delivering these Mason Jar Brownies gives them an opportunity to be an active part of their faith community. Mason jar brownies are the perfect gift to use with Love Ding Dong Ditch!  Yields 8

What You’ll Need for Mason Jar Brownies:

– 8 (8 oz.) Wide-mouthed mason jars, lids removed

– baking spray or butter

– your favorite packaged brownie mix

Optional additions:

– ice cream

– whipped cream

– sprinkles

– chocolate chips

What You’ll Do to Make Mason Jar Brownies:

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Coat the insides of the jars with baking spray or butter.

3. Mix packaged brownie mix according to instructions on the box. Pour the batter into the jars, filling them half full.

4. Place the jars on a metal cookie sheet, making sure they don’t touch. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

5. Allow jars and brownies to cool completely before replacing the lids.

6. Enjoy your brownies (with one of the tasty additions, if you choose), or deliver them to someone in your faith community!