March 2018

>Do You Know Who You Are? – Everyday Mom Blog
>A New Identity – God’s Word
>Asparagus Tart – Family Time Recipe
>Identity Crosses – Create
What does it mean to be “crucified with Christ”? It means we no longer live our lives selfishly or spend our energy on what we want—we die to any other identities and daily choose to live the way Christ wants us to. We take on His identity!
When our children and grandchildren recognize who they are because of what Christ did on the cross, they can hold tight to an identity that gives them confidence when the world comes at them with destructive counter-identities.
Our WORSHIP article is a powerful family activity that reminds us our sins are forgiven because of what Jesus did on the cross. This month’s TRADITIONS article explains Lent and shares the importance of this discipline in the days leading up to Easter. And STORYTELLING not only has a story to read together as a family—but also a free download to create a great tool for your children to share the Easter story with friends and family!
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