Michelle Anthony was there at the beginning
We asked Spiritual Parenting author Dr. Michelle Anthony to recount how HomeFront grew out of a small church newsletter at RockHarbor Church in Costa Mesa, CA.
My husband and I recognized early on that carving out space to spend intentional family time was a must for our family. We knew we wanted these times to be fun and always centered them around a meal. We started out simply doing finger puppet shows to make God’s big story come alive and graduated to our family planning missions trips as ways to serve others worldwide. We always included prayer and worship and never limited it to just our children—it became something their friends looked forward to over the years.
When I became the Family Pastor at RockHarbor Church in Costa Mesa, California I wanted to share the values of our family nights with the parents I was ministering to. HomeFront started as a small church newsletter that gave families ideas for ways to engage with their children. Over the last five years HomeFront has grown into a spiritual parenting resource that is used in thousands of homes worldwide.
My children are now in graduate school and doing family nights on their own with their friends. And yes … we still make it a value to intentionally spend this life giving time together every time they come home for a visit.