Last year for Christmas, my husband got a great new book. It was filled with a variety of 30-day challenges such as 30 days to … a 5-minute plank, taking a daily cold shower, cooking one new recipe a day, and even 30 days without eating sugar! We’ve found that if we can commit to something for 30 days, it starts to feel like a habit and it becomes more and more natural the more we do it.
These 30-day challenges and the idea of forming new habits inspired me to think about something I want to improve in my life. I’ve realized that I really struggle to build others up. I am definitely one of those people who can see all the flaws in a project or an event before seeing even one positive aspect of it. I’ve found the best way for me to combat my critical spirit is to be more encouraging! I would like to invite you to join me on my 30-day challenge. Let’s make this month: Encourage Month!
As the HomeFront family, let’s go out of our way to spread encouragement over the next month..
1. What could Encourage Month look like for our family? Do we want to set daily or weekly encouragement goals?
2. Who are some people in our faith community who could use encouragement? What are some specific ways we can encourage them?
3. How do each of us like to be encouraged? What ideas do we have for spreading encouragement in our home?
4. Do we want to create a way to track our encouragements? What might this look like for us?
All 30-day challenges are far more fun when we do them together. We would love to see some of the ideas your family came up with or any of the ways you are able to encourage your faith community. Tag us at (@homefrontsp) on any of your socials and use the hashtag #HFEncourageMonth.