Great love stories often begin with a beautiful setting into which an evil villain tries to insert chaos. Then a self-sacrificing hero enters the scene, and the story ends with redemption and a “happily ever after.” This narrative is true of the greatest love story ever told—God’s story. God placed His most cherished creation in a beautiful garden, where Satan came to distract and destroy. God knew He would have to make a sacrifice to save His people whom He so dearly loved, so He sent His one and only Son to give His life to redeem the relationship. But the story does not end there. We, His people, His loves, are waiting for His return. We are waiting for Him to come back and take us to our happily ever after in eternity with Him. We ARE a part of this story and it is of utmost importance that our children understand this. God’s story did not end when the canon of Scripture was complete— no, His story is still being written in your life and in mine. This month, as a way to remind your family that you are a part of this great story, make these Story Frames together.

Allow the book to serve as a reminder of the greatest story ever told: God’s great love story! Place a photo of your family in the Story Frame and talk together about how God might be writing His story in your life each and every day.

What You’ll Need for Story Frames:

• old books (1 per frame—many libraries give these away for free)
• hot glue gun with glue sticks
• utility knife
• card or tag board
• felt (an 8″ x 10″ piece per frame)
• buttons (1 per frame—works best with buttons that have posts)
• string or twine

What You’ll Do for Story Frames:

1. Using a utility knife and a straight edge, cut a hole slightly smaller
than your photo in the cover of your book.

2. Cut the cardboard and felt piece slightly smaller than the
inside cover.

3. Hot glue the cardboard to the inside cover, lining only three sides
with glue.

4. Glue felt to the cardboard.

5. On the front cover, use hot glue to attach string around the edge
of the picture opening.

6. Hot glue the button on the front cover, centered near the edge
where the book opens.

7. Hot glue a loop of string to the back cover of the book. Make sure it lines up with the button on the front cover as the string will need to loop over the button. This keeps the book from opening all the way and falling flat.

8. Slide your family photo between the front cover and the cardboard, then place your frame in a prominent place in your home as reminder that God has a big story and we are a part of it!