Editor’s Note for July 2015:

A recent survey conducted by the literacy organization Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) reports that only one in three parents of children ages eight and under read stories to their kids each night. That is a startling and sad statistic! Story reading and telling is an important part of our children’s development not just for the sake of literacy but for their spiritual growth as well. Telling God’s story to our children is the most important role we have as parents—it gives them a perspective of how God has been moving throughout history and allows them to see how He is working in every person’s life today.

In this month’s issue of HomeFront we have focused on sharing stories around the campfire. God’s word focuses on John 21:1–14 where Jesus shares breakfast with His disciples around a campfire. Our family time recipe and kids in the kitchen are both campfire meals that will encourage your family to share a meal and share a story!

Throughout this issue you will read inspiring stories of God’s faithfulness in both the beautiful and the broken. You will see Jesus as the hero of each and every story and be encouraged to make these stories known and understood. Thank you for the privilege of walking alongside you and equipping you as you share with your children the greatest story ever told!

HomeFront Magazine July 2015 Issue

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July 2015