What You’ll Need

  • frame (suggestion: 8” x 10”)
  • fabric or scrapbook paper
  • dry erase markers

Jesus’ resurrection is cause for celebration! When He rose from the grave, Jesus proved that He is more powerful than sin and death!

On the morning of Jesus’ resurrection, two women brought spices to His tomb. When they arrived, they noticed that the stone had been rolled away and that an angel sat atop the stone. The angel told the women not to be afraid. He shared the incredible news that Jesus had risen from the dead and instructed the women to quickly share the news with the disciples (Matthew 28:1–7).

Imagine what the women might have been thinking. What? Jesus is alive?!? How can this be? What does this mean? A million questions must have surged through their minds, but something even greater likely settled in their hearts—hope.

Just as these women told others about the profound hope that they experienced on that life-changing morning, we too can share this experience with our friends and family. Each day we encounter people who don’t share our hope in Christ. Their hearts have been hardened toward God and the news of His Son, Jesus.

One way we can care well for those around us is by praying for them. This month, create a Prayer Frame. Find a picture frame that you like, but instead of a photo, put a piece of scrapbook paper, canvas, or fabric behind the glass. Then, as a family, sit down with the frame and some dry erase markers. Think about people in your life who don’t share your hope in Christ. As you think of neighbors, friends, and extended family members, use the markers to write their names on the glass. Throughout the month, pray for the people in your frame.

The women at the tomb that morning were astonished. From that moment on, their lives changed completely. God called them to step out in faith and to spread the news about Jesus. God also calls us to step out in faith. If you have trouble finding the words to pray for those in your prayer frame this month, depend on God for encouragement. Consider how you can step out and encourage these people by telling them that your family has decided to pray for them. Your prayers could give them the same hope that you have and be the beginning of their relationship with Christ.